Obama’s Long Form Birth Certificate – NOT!


Cold Case Posse Lead Investigator Lt. Mike Zullo spoke with 1776 Channel in an exclusive interview today about the White House PDF scan and Savannah Guthrie’s claims.

Reed Hayes has a distinguished background as a document examiner. He has done work in document examination for Perkins Coie. Mr. Reed has concluded that the image presented by the White House is “entirely fabricated”.

We have no evidence of a raised seal being displayed on that document that Savannah Guthrie supposedly felt. We don’t know what she felt. No evidence that we can determine shows alterations to that paper body indicating a raised seal. Their work flow is a scan of the document. Upon examination there is no evidence of raised seal. We have seen examples of other Hawaii documents with raised seals clearly displayed. According to former White House attorney Bob Bauer, Obama never even handled it, but Savannah Guthrie did. – Cold Case Posse Lead Investigator Lt. Mike Zullo



So here we are in 2011 and Obama has released his long form Birth Certificate, NOT!

Here is an actual 1961 Hawaiian Birth Certificate

Here’s what Obama released

 Why if the Obama long form was isued in the same month as the Nordyke Twins [image above Obama] is there a different ‘registrar’ ?

Why is there no SEAL on the document as in the Nordyke’s? There is no embossed seal, either from 1961 [as in the Nordyke Birth Certificates] or from 2011. WHY?

What happened to Dr. Rodney West, who was supposed to be the doctor that delivered Obama?

Per the State of Hawaii concerning the SEAL;

The Hawaii Administrative Rules, Title 11, Department of Health, Section 11-1-2, regarding the Seal of the Department of Health, state:


§11-1-2 Seal of the department of health.

a) The official seal of the department of health shall be circular in shape, two and one-fourth inches in diameter. At the curve on the top portion there shall be the words “DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH” and at the curve on the bottom portion there shall be the words “STATE OF HAWAII.” At the curve on each side portion shall be a star. In the center of the seal shall be the Caduceus, a winged rod entwined with two serpents, which has long been recognized as a universal symbol of medicine. The Caduceus shall be encircled by an indentation, which shall separate it from the words “DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH” and “STATE OF HAWAII.” For illustrative purposes, a black and white drawing of the official seal is attached at the end of this section as Exhibit “A,” titled “Seal of the Department of Health,” and dated November 1, 1988, and made a part of this section.

(b) The official seal of the department of health shall be embossed near the signature of the director of health to verify commissions of appointment of deputy directors and notaries public, certificates, and other formal official documents on which the official seal has been customarily used or is appropriate to be used, as the director of health may determine on a case-by-case basis.

(c) The seal of the department of health may also be reproduced, in either an enlarged or a reduced size, on official stationery, reports, certificates, equipment, supplies, uniform insignia, and other objects and items to be used or produced by the department of health, but the reproduction and use of the seal shall always be subject to the exclusive control of the director of health.

[Eff 2/14/2005 ] (Auth: HRS §§321-9, 91-2) (Imp:  HRS §§321-9, 91-2)

According to the web site the name didn’t change to Kapiolani Maternity & Gynecological Hospital until Kauikeolani Children’s Hospital merged with Kapi‘olani Maternity Home in 1978. So how could his official long form birth certificate that was generated in 1961 have the name of the hospital that wasn’t created until 1978?”

Kauikeolani Children’s Hospital opened in 1909 named for Emma Kauikeolani Napoleon Mahelona (1862–1931), the wife of Albert Spencer Wilcox (1844–1919). In 1978, it merged with Kapiʻolani Maternity Home to become Kapiʻolani Medical Center for Women and Children.

So the hospital that is on the document Kauikeolani Children’s Hospital, changed/merged with Kapiʻolani Medical Center in 1978 and Hawaii updates all existing records to reflect the name change on file. Does the State of Hawaii issue new and updated Birth Certificates to all persons born there in the past?

I am not stating that the Kapiolani Maternity & Gynecological Hospital did not exist, nor that the Nordyke’s Birth Certificates are not vaild as they also state Kapiolani Maternity & Gynecological Hospital. What needs to be pointed out is that Nordyke’s 1961 long form Birth Certificate is different then the long form presented by Obama.

Why are there seams on the background and the appearance that the document was scanned? Recall that Hawaiin officials have stated that the current COLB’s are computer generated and printed out.

If this was a certified copy of the 1961 original, then why doesn’t it look like a 1961 long form?

This is nothing more then another attempt to pass off a forgery with additional information to make it appear that it is authentic. The COLB that was pawned off before this one, has the registration as ‘FILED’ this one says ‘ACCEPTED’, there can be no difference. As the COLB is supposed to be ‘EXACTLY’ the same data as the original it’s supposed to represent.

Where is the Director of Health’s name and signiture?

Where is the Registrar General’s name and signiture?

The date on this that Stanley Ann signed was on the 7th, while the birth was supposed to take place on the 4th. Mothers normally sign the birth registration within minutes of given birth. Any mother will attest that right after the baby is born, the paperwork begins.

So if Obama was born in Kapiolani Maternity & Gynecological Hospital on Aug 4th, 1961 why is there not the same long form Birth Certificate on file as the Nordyke twins, born just after Obama was supposed to.

Why is Obama’s long form contain data that is on the index and is not contain the signitures and SEAL that a correct and valid Birth Certificate that would have been forwarded to the Department of Health in Hawaii in 1961 have?

Was Stanley Ann even pregnant!

Is it 1959 or 1962?


Does the Long Form consist of layers?

How does a computer printout, based on a database contain imaging layers?

Here is a second video exposing the forgery. Seems like this fraudulant document is being caught on the first day of posting by numerous people.