While in Kenya, will Obama visit the hospital he was born at?


In May 2010, Mama Sarah Obama received an honorary doctorate from the Great Lakes University of Kisumu.  During her acceptance, she stated the following “This is a show of blessing from God, since I have always dedicated my time to tend to the orphans. Even the US president passed through my hands.”

How does one pass through hands unless they were physically there, and if Obama did in fact pass through Granny’s hands, when was this? Where did this happen?

Why does Obama’s words about a childhood in Kenya now appear to be true?

In 2006, Obama’s next big international journey will be in 2007 –he’s looking at China, India and Indonesia, “where ironicall I actually have more of a childhood than I do in Kenya.”

Or why was there a reference to Obama during a discussion in the Kenyan Parliment rename the hospital?


Mr. Outa: Madam Temporary Deputy Speaker, I want to alert the Assistant Minister, who is my friend, that, because of the great need to have a theatre in order to reduce the strain on Nyanza Provincial General Hospital, the Ahero Sub-district Hospital has acquired a modern theatre from our friends. Could the Assistant Minister, who is my friend, avail a certain amount of money to enable us to build and complete the theatre in Ahero Sub-district Hospital as soon as he can?
Mr. Mungatana: Yes, Madam Temporary Deputy Speaker, I want to assure hon. Outa,who is my friend, that we shall do everything possible. In fact, I laud his initiative, because those hon. Members who are putting money in health, we want to support them to the full. If you could see me after this, I will make sure that, that happens.
Thank you, Madam Temporary Deputy Speaker.
The Temporary Deputy Speaker (Prof. Kamar): Last question, Mr. Olago!
Mr. Aluoch: Madam Temporary Deputy Speaker, that hospital was sponsored by the USSR Government, and for a long time, up to now, it has been popularly known as “Russia Hospital”. I would like to have a detailed breakdown of the Medium-Term-Expenditure Framework, so that I can interrogate it more deeply. In the meantime, has the Ministry considered that Russia Hospital could attract funding and sponsorship from our friends out of the country if we were to consider re-naming it “Jaramogi Oginga Odinga Memorial Hospital”?
An hon. Member: Or Obama!

Or this Kenyan official.

James Orengo, the country’s minister of lands and a member of parliament for the Ugenya constituency, cited America’s election of a Kenyan-born president as an example of what can be accomplished when diverse peoples unite:

The Kenyan lawmaker told the nation’s parliament last month that Barack Obama was born in Africa and is therefore “not even a native American.”

The full quote; “If America was living in a situation where they feared ethnicity and did not see itself as a multiparty state or nation, how could a young man born here in Kenya, who is not even a native American, become the President of America?

Obama does not celebrate Christmas


Is Kwanzaa Fading Away?

Magic 8 Ball says: “Very likely.”

First a bit of history. Kwanzaa was concocted in 1966 by a black supremacist communist named Maulana Karenga (aka: Robert McKinley Everett) as an alternative to the white European holiday of Christmas.

Kwanzaa, the Swahili word for “harvest” is as phony as it’s creator’s adopted name. No such celebration ever existed in Africa, in fact, during the time of the so-called ‘African harvest festival’ here in America it’s the middle of the growing season in Africa. Apparently geography wasn’t one of Karenga’s strong suits.

In 2006 Karenga maintained that his invented holiday is celebrated worldwide by 28 million people. However, a 2004 poll found that only about 4.7 million blacks planned to observe the holiday here in the US and only 12 million worldwide. In 2011 that number dropped to 2 million and this year it’s estimated that only 250,000 will be taking part.

It’s interesting to note that the Obama family who, despite their claims of being Christian, don’t celebrate Christmas and despite their political leanings, they don’t celebrate Kwanzaa either. In fact the only holiday that the Obama’s routinely pay respects to is Ramadan by throwing a yearly White House dinner to mark the end of the Muslim month of fasting. Draw your own conclusions.

I have some theories why Kwanzaa never caught on with mainstream blacks here in the US. To start with many older blacks are decidedly Christian. Secondly, Christmas is fun, the lights, the festivities, the gifts. Thirdly, for those younger secular blacks so enured to the hip-hop culture, the idea of sitting around contemplating hard work and personal responsibility leaves much to be desired, especially when they have video games like ‘Grand Theft Auto’ sitting under the tree.

The bottom line is that there is nothing contrived by Communists that ever stands the test of time. Largely this is because everything about Communism violates human nature and commonsense.

Read more at http://blurbrain.com/is-kwanzaa-fading-away/#1QwbEsYwApv93ip1.99

Obama lies concerning past exposed


President Barack Obama’s uncle testified at a deportation hearing on Tuesday that Obama stayed with him while he was attending Harvard Law School in the 1980s, contradicting the White House’s claim that the two had never met. The uncle’s former landlord, who reportedly served as a witness at the hearing, also said the president once lived with his uncle.

A judge decided to let Onyango “Omar” Obama, a Kenyan national, remain in the United States after he was arrested for drunk driving in 2011.

Shortly after his arrest, the White House argued President Obama had never even met his uncle when reporters asked questions about their relationship.

As reported Obama’s illegal alien uncle, Onyango Obama, ignored a deportation order and has been living illegally in the United States since the 70’s. Today, the same judge that granted asylum to Obama’s illegal alien aunt, Zeituni Onyango, also granted Onyango Obama asylum citing ‘good moral character‘.


Good moral characters don’t disregard the law and remain where that have been ordered to leave.  Zeituni Onyango also is here illegally and both have questionable Social Security numbers.  As reported here earlier,  documents seem to be an issue with all the Obama’s

Forged documents are a Family Affair with the Obama’s


BREAKING! – Cold Case Posse WILL Assist in Alabama Supreme Court Case Against Obama!

BREAKING NEWS! – AZ Cold Case Posse WILL Assist  in Alabama Supreme Court Case Against Obama

‘We recently discovered new irrefutable evidence, which confirms, hands down, the document is a fraud” – Mike Zullo, Lead Investigator, AZ CCP

Read about this breaking news here:  http://www.ppsimmons.blogspot.com/2013/05/breaking-cold-case-posse-will-assist-in.html

and further coverage and discussion/comments on this news here:  http://obamareleaseyourrecords.blogspot.com/2013/05/sheriff-joe-obama-investigator.html

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In addition, read more about Obama’s ID crimes and his constitutional ineligibility here:  http://www.scribd.com/protectourliberty/collections/

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Watch this press conference by Sheriff Arpaio and his investigators outlining the growing and conclusive evidence proving that Obama’s long form birth certificate PDF document placed on the Whitehouse.gov website by the Obama administration is a forgery and also that Obama’s alleged draft registration card is a forgery. Criminal felony identity document fraud has been committed.

Greatest political fraud in U.S. history. Click on the image for the evidence about the fraud Obama – The Big Lie!

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A warning from the past — some conspiracies are very real and also really big and well organized.   The target is to destroy our U.S. Constitution and Republic.  Remember this quote from history: “We must now face the harsh truth that the objectives of communism are being steadily advanced because many of us do not recognize the means used to advance them. … The individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a Conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists. The American mind simply has not come to a realization of the evil which has been introduced into our midst.” Quote by: J. Edgar Hoover former FBI director. Source: Elks Magazine (August 1956).

When will we return to the rule of law and enforce our identity theft protection laws and the U.S. Constitution in regards to the usurper and Fraud-in-Chief residing in the White House?

CDR Charles Kerchner, P.E. (Retired)
Lehigh Valley PA USA

His name was Basrry Soetoro

So who is he? Obama and his supporters can’t have it both ways

An Obama supporter responded to the fake COLB with the information contained in the Indonesian School registration. [see image below]. Here is his message; Author : hey (IP: , .) E-mail : strange@stuff.org URL :Whois :http://ws.arin.net/cgi-bin/whois.pl?queryinput= Comment: Notice the name: Barry Soetoro Nationality: Indonesian Religion: Muslim Notice the place of birth. Honolulu Game […]

The Adoption of Obama

The Adoption of Obama  Like with ‘anything’ regarding the past of Obama, nothing should be taken for granted or on face value. Both of his books by Obama’s own words can NOT be taken literally. They are nothing more then a facade, a mask of the true background and nature of Barack Obama, created to […]

Shocking Secrets and Verifiable Facts about Barack Obama the MSM Refuses to Report



Shocking Secrets and Verifiable Facts about President Barack Obama the Mainstream Media Refuses to Report

If you think you know everything there is to know about Barack Obama, think again.

What you’ll hear on this episode of Catch Kevin: No Holds Barred! will not only shock you, it will alarm you!

Why does mainstream media refuse to give us the truth about the most powerful man in the world? Yet, a man who is shrouded in secrecy and immune to any and all vetting by that same media.
What information would have turned up had Barack Obama been properly vetted? Listen to this eye-opening, jaw-droppoing episode of Catch Kevin: No Holds Barred!
Full Show And Catch Kevin Radio Show Website At The Link Below

Thank you CDR Kerchner (Ret)’s Blog

Obama’s Roots

Obama’s Roots


by Rodney Pike

Confirmed: Obama’s Birth Certificate Not Authentic 2012

Arpaio revealed the findings of a investigation into the president’s birth certificate at a 1 hour and 20 minute news conference Thursday, calling the certificate “suspect.”

Arpaio’s team of investigators said they found that the long-form birth certificate was created electronically and never existed in paper form.

The president’s Selective Service card was also questioned.

Arpaio’s investigators claimed the document has “failed every test we put it through.”

At Thursday’s news conference, investigators said they will request a criminal investigation. They also said they have identified a person of interest in the forgery of the birth certificate.

Arpaio said he is not accusing the president of the crime. He said they will investigate who is behind the “possible forgery and fraud.”

“I haven’t decided where to go with this yet,” Arpaio said. “I just wanted to get the facts of this situation. We haven’t accused anyone of anything.”

The controversy over the certificate has been widely debunked, but it remains alive in the eyes of some conservatives, namely members of the Tea Party who urged Arpaio to look into the matter.

For the past six months, Arpaio’s “Cold Case Posse” has been investigating the authenticity of those documents to see if there’s been any fraud or forgery involved.

“We conducted a very professional investigation; we have come up with I feel some probable cause, some evidence,” Arpaio said Wednesday.

Arpaio said the investigation was done at no cost to taxpayers.

“Just let me say the results may be interesting without using the word ‘shocked,'” Arpaio said prior to the conference. “I think it will reveal some information no one else has really developed in a professional law enforcement manner.”

The Cold Case Posse comprises volunteers who are former police officers and lawyers.

Barack Obama’s Private Attorney Files Motion to Dismiss based upon lies and deceit

Barack Obama’s Private Attorney Files Motion to Dismiss Farrar v. Obama based upon lies and deceit,

Only the Democratic Party of Georgia can determine qualifications of candidates named on the Presidential Preference Primary ballot. Furthermore, the citizenship issue the plaintiff seeks to raise was soundly rejected by 69,456,897 Americans in the 2008 elections, and it has been by every judicial body ever to have considered it. Every Georgia case considering the issue ruled against the plaintiff. Plaintiff’s challenge to Barack Obama’s qualifications should be dismissed.”

Lie; ‘Only the Democratic Party of Georgia can determine qualifications of candidates named on the Presidential Preference Primary ballot.’

Fact; No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.

Quote;  shall be eligible to the Office of President. 

Fact: Baracka Abdallah Husein Obama aka (unknown) is not eligible as he is not a ‘Natural Born Citizen of the United States’.

Just because as  Michael Jablonski contends the citizenship issue the plaintiff seeks to raise was soundly rejected by 69,456,897 Americans in the 2008 elections’. 

This is Obama’s own lawyer admitting that Baracka Abdallah Husein Obama aka (unknown) does not meet eligibility requirements of for the Office of the President as required by the United States Constitution. To clarify Michael Jablonski argument, if the majority of drivers disregard the laws concerning speeding then the law is null and void. 

The eligibility requirements of the United States Constitution are clear and Michael Jablonski admits that Baracka Abdallah Husein Obama does not meet meet the requirement.

Barack Obama is NOT even a US Citizen – so says the law – Pt 2

Baracka Abdallah Husein Obama was under British Law and British jurisdiction at birth and not theUnited States. Therefore was Baracka Abdallah Husein Obama even a citizen of theUnited States.

“The Supreme Court’s in Elk v. Wilkins 112U.S.94, 5 S.CT. 41, 28 L.ED. 643 (1884), the court ruled that the words “subject to the jurisdiction thereof,” the court held, mean “not merely subjct in some respect or degree to the jurisdiction of the United States, but completely subject to their political jurisdiction, and owing them direct and immediate allegiange.” 100% jurisdiction required.

Per Tench Coxe (May 22, 1755 – July 17, 1824) was an American political economist and a delegate forPennsylvaniato the Continental Congress in 1788-1789. He wrote under the pseudonym “A Pennsylvanian”.

Written during the discussion of the United States Constitution


Quote “Our President must be matured by the experience of years, and being born among us, his character at thirty-five must be fully understood. Wisdom, virtue and active qualities of mind and body can alone make him the first servant of a free and enlightened people.”

The United States Naturalization Act of 1790 is clear; the right of citizenship did “not descend to persons whose fathers have never been resident in the United States….” Citizenship was inherited exclusively through the father.

Again; the right of citizenship did “not descend to persons whose fathers have never been resident in the United States.

In the year 1873 the United States Attorney General ruled the word “jurisdiction” under the Fourteenth Amendment to mean:

The word “jurisdiction” must be understood to mean absolute and complete jurisdiction, such as the United Stateshad over its citizens before the adoption of this amendment… Aliens, among whom are persons born here and naturalized abroad, dwelling or being in this country, are subject to the jurisdiction of the United States only to a limited extent. Political and military rights and duties do not pertain to them. (14 Op. Atty-Gen. 300.)

House Report No. 784, dated June 22, 1874, stated, “The United States have not recognized a double allegiance. By our law a citizen is bound to be ‘true and faithful’ alone to our government.” There is no way in the world anyone can claim “subject to the jurisdiction thereof” affirms the feudal common law doctrine of birth citizenship to aliens because such doctrine by operation creates a “double allegiance” between separate nations.

All persons born in the allegiance of the United Statesare natural-born citizens. Birth and allegiance go together. Such is the rule of the common law. There are two exceptions, and only two, to the universality of its application. The children of ambassadors are, in theory, born in the allegiance of the powers the ambassadors represent; and slaves, in legal contemplation, are property, and not persons. The common law has made no distinction on account of race or color. Free persons of color, born within the allegiance of the United Statesare citizens, and have always been entitled to be so regarded.United Statesv.Rhodes, 1 Abb. U. iS. 28, 40; lAm.L. T. U. S. Ctt. 22.

Citizen has relative applications, which modify its sense in given cases. In its highest political sense, it signifies the persons who constitute the political society. It is not confined to persons enjoying the right of suffrage; and, on the other hand, a person may be an elector without being a citizen. And the mere fact of birth within the territorial limits of the United Statesdoes not constitute one a citizen. Opin. of Atty.-Gen. dishing, on Relation of Indiana, 7 Op. Att.-Gen. 746.

“And the mere fact of birth within the territorial limits of the United Statesdoes not constitute one a citizen.”

Birth and allegiance go together, get it.

Domicile in a foreign country does not affect the fact of citizenship, nor work a forfeiture of political rights. When the territory and government of a kingdom pass to and become merged in the territory and government of another nation, all of its subjects pass also. The tie which binds them is not bodily presence, but allegiance. Brown v.United States, 5 Ct. of CI. 571.

 “When Barack Obama Jr. was born on Aug. 4,1961, Kenya was a British colony, still part of the United Kingdom’s dwindling empire. As a Kenyan native, Barack Obama Sr. was a British subject whose citizenship status was governed by The British Nationality Act of 1948. That same act governed the status of Obama Sr.‘s children.

 Since Sen. Obama has neither renounced his U.S. citizenship nor sworn an oath of allegiance to Kenya, his Kenyan citizenship automatically expired on Aug. 4,1982.”

By the common law, a subject travelling abroad on public or private business, with the express or implied license of his sovereign, is under that sovereign’s protection; and, consequently, both he and his children born while so travelling owe allegiance to and are citizens of the native country of their father. The length of the father’s residence abroad is not material, so that it was, in intention and in fact, temporary, not perpetual. And whether the mother was a citizen or not is unimportant: the status of the child is determined by that of the father. Ludlam v. Ludlam, 31 Barb. 486; Davis v. Hall, 1 Nott fr M. 292; Lasportas v. De la Motta, 10 Rich. Eq. 38.

Quote: “By the common law, a subject travelling abroad on public or private business, with the express or implied license of his sovereign, is under that sovereign’s protection; and, consequently, both he and his children born while so travelling owe allegiance to and are citizens of the native country of their father.”

“When Barack Obama Jr. was born on Aug. 4,1961, Kenya was a British colony, still part of the United Kingdom’s dwindling empire. As a Kenyan native, Barack Obama Sr. was a British subject whose citizenship status was governed by The British Nationality Act of 1948. That same act governed the status of Obama Sr.‘s children.”

Under the act of April 14, 1802, ch. 288, 5 4, the children of persons duly naturalized under any of the laws of the United States, being under the age of twenty-one years at the time of their parents being so naturalized, are, if dwelling within the United States, to be considered as citizens of the United States.Campbellv. Gordon, 6 Crunch, 176.

Is Barack Obama naturalized as a United Statescitizen? NO!

Although a state, by its laws, passed since the adoption of the constitution, may put a foreigner, or any other description of persons, upon a footing with its own citizens as to all the rights and privileges enjoyed by them within its dominion and by its laws, that will not make him a citizen of the United States, nor entitle him to sue in its courts, nor to any of the privileges and immunities of a citizen in another state. Dral Scott r. Sandford, 19 How. 393.

The term citizens of a state, as used in the constitution, applies only to natural persons, members of the body politic, owing allegiance to the state, and not to artificial persons created by the legislature, and possessing only the attributes which the legislature has prescribed. Paul o.Virginia, 8 WaU. 168.

Created by the legislature equates to persons ‘naturalized’, even if Baracka Abdallah Husein Obama was ‘naturalized’ he would be an artificial person.

Baracka Abdallah Husein Obama born a Brit never legit, foreign and alien to theUnited States.