FactCheck’s Forged Barack Obama COLB

  The “FactCheck” COLB’s has been an issue since they were posted. In an attempt to backup the original forgery posted on “Fight the Smears”, there are glaring issues with both the “FactCheck” Colb’s. I reference that there are two separate and individual documents as one clearly shows an embossed SEAL while the other does not. The one that does contain an embossed SEAL, however is not an official SEAL from the State of Hawaii – Department of Health, and hence the document itself is already in question.

Here in an attempt to identify an additional ink markings from the Statement and Signature Stamp applied to the back of an authentic Certificate from the Vital Records Department, I will be using the “FactCheck” images and developing a composite image based on several layers, and seeing if any additional indications can be detected.

First let us provide an over-view of the images posted on FactCheck.


FactCheck posted nine (9) images none of which are head-on and provide clear reference points. If you look at the image in the upper right hand of the composite, you will notice one glaring issue. The area where there should be an embossed SEAL is shaded by the arm of the person taking the picture. Other images are similarly deceptive in angle or contrast.

However their attempt, they failed to resolve the issue of Obama’s Certification of Live Birth.

Issue #1. There are two separate COLB’s posted. As noted before one COLB has an embossed SEAL and the other does not.

Below are the images of the COLB’s

Here is the COLB with an embossed SEAl. The image has been resized and rotated to the correct orientation. We will call this COLB 1 for reference.


Now the second COLB without the embossed SEAL. We will call this COLB 2 for reference.


Let’s examine individual close-ups of the area and.

Here is COLB 1 cropped with the SEAL clearly visible and measurements in the area indicating the location of the embossed SEAL from points on the COLB that can be identified between different documents. I have increased the contrast of the image.


Now let’s look at the same area on the second COLB [COLB 2]

First let’s increase the brightness of the image to increase the light in the shaded area of the arm.


Now let’s crop into the area of where the SEAL should be. Again using the same area as COLB 1, below is the image of what we see. NOTHING there.


Notice that the Rattan Security lines are CLEARLY visible and solid. No breakage is seen. I then altered the image using the Hue and Saturation settings to change the coloring to be able to bring out the lines.


Again, using the same orientation points that we did for COLB 1, you can clearly see that there is NO line breakage indicating an embossed SEAL was ever applied to the document.  This is a high resolution image, here are is the info on both images.


Now let us turn our attention to the date stamp in the FactCheck COLB 1. Here again we will use the original COLB posted by Barack Obama on ‘Fight the Smears’ and compare it to COLB 1 on FactCheck.

Below is the “Date Stamp of the Barack Obama COLB”


 We have adjusted the Hue and Saturation for bleed-through on the Date Stamp.


Notice that there is NO additional ink markings within the entire region.

 Since we have detected NO additional ink markings in the region, we will use the original image as our reference. We then took the Official stamp off another “FactCheck” image and super-imposed onto this image.



Note how we have aligned the overlay to the Date stamp, all reference lines are now based on this orientation. Below is a minor off-set to show that the Date is actually in fact lined up.



From this image we will now use the FactCheck image. Image 8 for reference. We will create a transparent image of the background leaving the Black border and lettering to orient this image to the original one above.


And another from FactCheck. This is resized to show the entire image here.The next image that we will use is the one below. We will again, create a transparent background leaving the Date, statement, and the signature, as to align them with the original.


Now using the “State” letters as our reference point. Notice the large area under it.

Using the third image above, reposted here, notice that the “State” letters are inside the Border in the word ‘INVALIDATE’


Now, lets refer to the following image and see how far the bottom of the image is to the letters “State” I have added the Blue lines as a reference guide.



We will add the additional references. Here I will use the Letter ‘S’ from the word State and to the edge of the image there is space for at least four (4) additional S’s.



We will now apply the above Image 8 to the original. The one that we removed the Ratan Background [Security feature – see my blog posting on Security Features], leaving the Black border and lettering. Note that the alignment can be seen and the I in the word INVALIDATE shows the separation between the original image and the overlay.


 We will now use the layering tool to move this layer back one and then have the Date/Signature overlay on the top. Note that all are aligned very nicely.


 Now we even apply the second signature overlay to show that they do indeed line up. Notice that the “State” in the ‘INVALIDATE lines up correctly along with the words on all the other lines. All aligned off the “Jun -6 2007’ date.


 I have added the additional “S’s” to the overlay in an attempt to find the location to the bottom of the “FactCheck” COLB. As FactCheck did NOT photograph the entire back like they did for the two separate COLB’s they posted. IE: One COLB with a SEAL and the other without a SEAL. Hence two separate COLB’s. “FactCheck” only posted close-ups of the stamp area with any orientation points.



 There is NO additional ink bleed through in the ENTIRE area. It appears that the original “JUN – 6 2007” Date stamp was applied to the top of the ‘FactCheck” COLB and was not applied on the back. On the front, as if it was printed when the COLB was printed.

However with the absence of any other ink bleed through and being able to identify WHERE the additional lettering from the Statement/Signature Stamp if any impression was available.

With all these overlays and switching back and forth under the layering tool. No indications were detected. No increase of the brightness/contrast or hue and saturation brought out any additional markings or indications that any ink or impressions were applied to the back of ‘either’ document. However there is clear indication that an image of the date ‘Jun 6- 2007’ was copied and applied to the original COLB posted on ‘Fight the Smears’ and this was transferred to the FactCheck document when it was printed out. 



My original conclusion stands, that the Date on the COLB was printed on the top when the document was created, by printing out the ‘Fight the Smears’ COLB and then attempting to apply an embossed seal to the document in an attempt to produce a forged Birth Certification. However they produced two completely different documents one with a SEAL and the other without one. I believe they noticed that during the process that the document was missing a SEAL, applied one, and did not catch the image without one till it was too late and already posted.

 They are forgeries, plain and simple.

Forgery #1 – The COLB posted on ‘Fight the Smears’ – No Stamp, No Seal, evidence of tampering and forgery. Sandra Ramsey Lines, Ron Polirak, and myself, among others.

Forgery #2 – FactCheck – Two different COLB’s one with a SEAL, however NOT an Official State of Hawaii Department of Health SEAL

Forgery #3 – FactCheck – COLB without a SEAL, image of COLB being held up. High resolution and NO indicating of a SEAL.

So how can there be three versions of a document that Hawaii NEVER issued?

6 Responses

  1. It is absurd that we are even discussing manipulated digital images on left wing propaganda sites. When the hell did we outsource verification of legal documents to them?

    We are sheep for not marching on Washington and DEMANDING that our useless “representatives” and courts of “justice” FORCE this possible usurper to PROVE his legitimacy, as he would force us to pay our wealth to fund his mad, fiscally unsound, utopian schemes.

    We want the ACTUAL documents submitted to OUR experts for proper vetting and corroboration with other items, to establish Obama’s true status. I will be in Washington on 9/12 for the Tea Party and will also be addresssing eligibility issues. Who else is coming?

  2. Where can I find the email from hawaii state dept. of health stating that a colb was never issued to the usurper? I read about it in Lynn D.’s oilforimmigration article today.

    • Mike;
      This is a mis-quote. Ron Polarik is the one who has that from the State of Hawaii. It’s Official! Hawaii never issued Obama’s 2007 Certification of Live Birth I asked Dr. Onaka if the COLBs are stamped using a machine or by hand. He said, “Both.” Hawaii uses a machine that applies the Seal and stamps electronically and simultaneously. That’s why they appear to be placed in the same position, from year to year – except in years where the large Seal design is used. He said that they use a desktop Seal embosser, similar to what notaries use, but much longer, so as to place the Seal higher up on the paper.

      I asked him, “Why is the border on 2007 COLB different from the 2008 COLB, why is the Seal larger, and why is your signature stamp located off to the side instead of directly under the Seal? He told me that they alternate the Seal design and border design, and when the Seal (the larger one) doesn’t leave enough room to place the signature stamp below it, it’s put off to the side. Evidentally, this larger Seal is what is applied by hand, as in every case where it has been used, the Seal impression appears in a different spot on the paper.

      Then, I slipped in the the following question. I asked him if Janice Okubo had confirmed that his office produced a 2007 Certification of Live Birth, date-stamped June 6, 2007, with Obama’s birth information on it, and he quickly replied:

      “Absolutely not. No one in our office confirmed it.”

      • If someone in the Okubo or Fukino offices confirmed something about Obama’s confidential files, as Leo Donofrio and TerriK are confirming, the vital records used to make that confirmation would then be ‘open to the public’ so that Fukino could not make restrictions of confidentiality both a sword and a shield.

  3. Thank you for the info. Ron Polarik has the email from Dr Onaka that states no person from his office confirmed The Hawaii state dept. of health did not issue a colb to obama/soetoro. The state of hawaii claims he was born in hawaii, but did not issue a colb. Have We, the people legalized the constitution yet?

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