Michelle Obama states Obama’s ‘Home Country’ is Kenya

Michelle Obama states Barack Hussein Obama’s home country is Kenya.

Michelle Obama speaking at the LGBT Delegate (The World as it Should Be)

 Talking during the LGBT Delegate (The World as it Should Be), Michelle is talking about HIV testing.
Her statement is that she and Barack Hussein Obama tested for HIV, when they took their trip to Kenya and visited his ‘HOME’ country.
How is it possible to be born in Hawaii and have Kenya as his ‘HOME’ country?

English Dictionary

Home Country        


1. the country in which a person was born and usually raised, regardless of the present country of residence and citizenship 


German: Heimatland

Etymology: home + country 
Unlike Patrilineality (a.k.a. agnatic kinship) is a system in which one belongs to one’s father’s lineage; it generally involves the inheritance of property, names or titles through the male line as well. As in ancestral home is the place of origin of one’s extended family. It may or may not be the place where one is born. A person’s ancestral home is a rather vague concept, which can be defined by the birth place of any of his or her patriline ancestors.

The Kenyan Parliment, official record, link posted on my blog, states the following:

Pg 3275; “Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, the President-elect, Mr. Obama, is a son of the soil of this country. Every other country in this continent is celebrating the Obama win. It is only proper and fitting that the country which he originates from should show the same excitement, pomp and colour. I, therefore, seek leave of the House that we adjourn to discuss the issue”

Directly backing up, what country Barack Obama was born in, not ancestral, but which ‘HE’ originates from.

Direct link to download;

Continuing from the begining.

Dr. Khalwale: On a point of order, Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir. You have heard none other than the Leader of Government Business acknowledge that because of Obama’s win in the United States of America (USA), the House is crippled.

Could we allow him to move a Motion for Adjournment so that we could also continue the celebrations of having a Kenyan ruling the USA? I humbly request!    *****[note – “having a Kenyan ruling the USA”!]

Mr. Deputy Speaker: Order, Mr. Vice-President! We are citizens of the Republic of Kenya! This is a supreme institution of this country. Our responsibility is to our country, first and foremost.

We are not citizens of the USA! Much as we appreciate and we are all happy; nonetheless we are a country ourselves.

So, it is not an excuse for a Minister to be away from his own Parliament, because he is celebrating the victory of another presidential candidate in another country.

The Assistant Minister for Water and Irrigation (Mr. Kiunjuri): Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, as you can see, people are really celebrating.

However, I am wondering whether the Americans have not reported to work and yet it is their victory.

I am also hoping that there will be no homecoming for Obama. If there is one, the Leader of Government Business should alert us in good time so that we can set up a committee to organize for his homecoming.  *[note – Obama having a Homecoming to Kenya!]

Mind you, this is the official government minutes on Nov 5th, 2008.

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